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We are raising awareness about parents not having access to full consent of what our children are learning in school.
Our children are learning about sexuality. Are they developmentally ready to discuss topics such as having a choice to be either a boy or a girl? Being able to socially transition without parental awareness?
During the most important developmental stages, whilst our children are physically changing, schools are teaching our children that they may be a different sex. Puberty is awkward. We are smelly, hairy and growing. If we introduce concepts that we can bypass this awkwardness, we are potentially bringing harm to our children.
Puberty blockers and hormone therapy are irreversible and may cause life long issues.

“Australian guidelines on gender-affirmative medicine lack rigour and independence and fail to recommend formal assessment processes that screen for body image problems, autism spectrum disorder, sexual orientation, or physical health conditions, according to international researchers commissioned by the UK Cass review”
The cass review

Dr Jillian Spencer

Dr Andrew Amos