Keeping Our Children Safe

Children cannot give consent.
This is why they are our dependents!
This is why we are their guardians!

Your stories are important as they help make others aware of your concerns, such as other parents, schools, health care workers and politicians!

They will only know there is an issue if we TELL them!

Have you had negative experiences in schools, community groups or health care settings relating to the push for gender ideology and affirmation? Did you consent to your children learning about this ideology?

The LGBTQI+ “anti-bullying” and “respectful relationship” programs in our schools aim to promote inclusivity.

Does tolerance work both ways?

We are seeing increased frustration from staff, parents, children and health care workers who do not align with this ideology, such as using pronouns, sexual books in libraries, unisex bathrooms, children accessing bathrooms/changerooms/dorms/sports of the sex they identify with and NOT providing parental permission for children to participate in gender affirmation classes/presentations/discussions.

SOS – Share Our Stories

Parental Consent & Exposure to Gender Affirmation/Ideology

Story 1 – Bailey (Student)

Story #1 – Bailey (Student) “I think what you guys are doing is great for our generation. We have been sucked into a spiral of madness and it needs to stop.Some things I can bring up are- men changing in woman’s bathrooms at school- humans identifying as animals- suspensions due to not respecting ones pronouns or identity- school assignments being given around this topicI do genuinely believe the world has gone mad and is heading in a terrible direction. When someone comes to me saying they think they are multiple people and have multiple personalities, we say they have a…

Share Your Story Here

Tell your story in your own words (we may edit your story to ensure confidentiality and appropriateness of content).
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