“I think what you guys are doing is great for our generation. We have been sucked into a spiral of madness and it needs to stop.
Some things I can bring up are
- men changing in woman's bathrooms at school
- humans identifying as animals
- suspensions due to not respecting ones pronouns or identity
- school assignments being given around this topic
I do genuinely believe the world has gone mad and is heading in a terrible direction. When someone comes to me saying they think they are multiple people and have multiple personalities, we say they have a disorder.
This gender identity is another form of that. It's degrading to women in the sense that people are saying trans men can now have children. It’s frustrating being forced to play along with this narrative in prime years of childhood.
People confuse sexuality with gender. If you’re a boy who likes to play with dolls, you don’t need to be a girl to do that.
This causes parents to put their kids on hormone blockers at such a young age which later leads to regret and unchangeable actions. This has opened a door to absurdity and it’s a shame what this world has come to.
This ethical issue will increase as time goes on. It is a given that it will not stop, but some solutions that can be made are building more disabled bathrooms on school premises, not unisex, as it condones higher statistics of sexual assault.
I should not feel uncomfortable using the school bathrooms during break times or undressing in an all girls change room.
Spread awareness for this because it is your children who will be suffering”